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How do I deal with distractions & how do I slow down?


👋Why hey there! I've been a little quiet lately, my energy has been in many places, and I've been distracted...I've been distracted while being distracted. 🙉

As I think about the distractions, I almost have to get up to look at my calendar to see all that I have been distracted with. Have you felt this before? That "busy" feeling? This constant movement through time and space without a clue where you ended up and how you got there? 😬

🙋‍♀️I wanted to put this out there to be real and honest, and also to share that hey, this happens. I'm pretty sure it happens to just about everyone. We're human, we're not perfect, and we're bombarded with endless technology, social media, social norms and familial expectations...So my question is, what do you do to SLOW down? What do you do to get centered again and just BE rather than DO?

I practice.

I practice meditation

I practice yoga

I practice Reiki and energy healing

I practice patience

I practice self-compassion

I practice listening

I practice mindfulness....

Even with all of that, I still get distracted. So I practice again, I sit, I breathe, and I pay attention. What is happening? How do I feel? What do my thoughts look like? What does my environment feel like?

I get some fresh air. I move my body. And I breathe again.

🤔Ultimately, if we're depleting our tank without stopping for gas, a regular oil change, or a charge, we stop functioning at our best and we end up feeling lost, pissed, depressed, stressed, sick, confused, in pain, and DISTRACTED.

So how can I and how can you help you move through the distractions? Every 2 weeks I offer a free energy healing virtual workshop, Rest & Reset. I lead the group through breathwork, meditation, and I send Reiki energy healing to help you connect with your individual needs at the highest level. The next one is this Friday, 5/14 at 6pm PST via zoom. If you can't make it and are curious in exploring this work, please let me know and we can set up a one on one.

Register here :

I hope this helps, and sending you so much love,

Chelsea 💛


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